Markku Jokinen

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Information: Here is Clark with some background information:

Lydia said ...

<comment date="2014-09-04T14:59:30Z" name="Lydia"> I got the main idea. It was not easy to watch the video because the guy was reading the text, something that was not of a help to understand what he was saying. </comment>

Kría said ...

<comment date="2014-11-19T11:21:12Z" name="Kría"> This was quite difficult to understand, I got the main point though. Good video quality. The background information video was easy to understand but poor video quality. </comment>

Arny said ...

<comment date="2014-11-20T11:16:11Z" name="Arny" signature="Arny"> There is a reason why interpreters always have to wear mono-color clothes when at work - this jacket is very disturbing. His signing is clear and I understood most of what he said. </comment>

Vala said ...

<comment date="2014-11-27T16:47:04Z" name="Vala"> Marrku is a politician and explained important things. His text was more complicated and serious than many - but I found he expressed himself rather clearly in IS. I agree with Lydia it would have been better not to read text but to sign his speech directly to the camera </comment>

Julia said ...

<comment date="2014-12-01T14:58:49Z" name="Julia">

Markku is the stronger political man. He explain international sign language very formal than unformal. </comment>

Jannice Rådahl said ...

<comment date="2014-12-02T14:49:54Z" name="Jannice Rådahl"> About the Sign Wiki I would like to have a signer of Swedish Sign Language signing in IS since it seems to have a big influence on the formal signs used at WFD boards and meetings. Maybe just to see where it did come from once. WFD board members history might be something to look at and also CISS. Now you have Markku there which will represent some of that history. As a "selection" of different ways of communication in IS it is a good representation I think. In some countries with no Sign Language used in Deaf School this might have an influence on the "secret sign languages" that is used outside schools and a new generation might come up that have IS more or less as their mother tongue. (Like Romania? )The future will tell. </comment>